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In order for me to succeed we will need resources to get our message out and to the people.  I believe in a people powered operation and I know that if we all give what we can, we can make it work.


Below is a link to my secured Pay pal account which you can make donations.  In Ontario, there is a rebate program that I participate in,which means, for every dollar between 25 and 5,​


Campaign contributions are monies, goods or services given to a candidate for his or her election campaign. Contributions include: monetary contribution*value of goods and services the full admission price for a fund-raising function the difference between the amount paid and the market value of a good or service sold at a fund-raising functionthe difference between the amount paid and the market value of a good or service purchased for the campaignany unpaid but guaranteed balance of a campaign loan *Cash contributions can only be up to $25. Any contributions over $25 must be made by cheque, money order or credit card.

The maximum amount a person can give to any one candidate (either in money, good or services), regardless of the number of offices the candidate is nominated for during the election period, is $2,500 for mayoralty candidates.


A person may give contributions to multiple candidates, however; there is a limit on how much the person can give to all candidates in each election. A person can give a total of $5,000 to all candidates running for Toronto Council (mayor and councillor)


All contributions of goods or services are subject to the contribution limit ($2,500 for mayoralty candidates and $750 for councillor or school trustee candidates) and the $5,000 contributor maximum. All contributions of goods or services the candidate receives are considered contributions and should be supported by an invoice from the contributor. If part of the goods or service is a contribution, the invoice should reflect the total amount of the good or service, the amount of the contribution and the remaining amount the candidate is to pay. If a supplier offers the good or service less than market value, the difference between the amount charged and the market value is a contribution and a receipt must be issued to the supplier. If the supplier does not accept payment for the goods or services, the non-payment is a contribution of a good and service and a receipt must be issued to the supplier. Note: If the supplier is a corporation, candidates running for mayor or councillor cannot accept the contribution.

Contributions of money up to $25 can be accepted in cash. Any contributions over $25 must be made by cheque, money order or credit card.


Contributions over $100 will contain the contributor's name and full address. All financial statements are scanned in its entirety and posted on the City's website.



What is the Contribution Rebate Program?

Under the Contribution Rebate Program, contributors can receive a rebate from the City for contributions made to mayor and councillor candidates in an election. There are application rules and procedures that must be followed by the candidate and contributor in order for the City to pay a rebate. These rules are found in the rebate by-law.

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